1956 - born in Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR.

1978 - graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Affairs, the faculty of foreign economic affairs.

1986 - graduated from the Moscow Surikov State Art Institute, the faculty of painting.

Residence since 2006 in Vienna.

Selected solo shows

2002 - "We are friends." Gallery Mosel & Tschechow, Munich.

1997 - "Stars & Asses." TV Gallery, Moscow.

1996 - "Words, as good as gold." Marat Guelman Gallery, Moscow.

1995 - "Cut in the matter." Gallery Mosel & Tschechow, Munich.

Selected group shows:

2024- "Videobrazil". GES-2. Moscow.

2015 - "Artist on Vacation". Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia.

2012 - "Desire for Freedom". Art in Europe since 1945" KHM Berlin.

2007 - "History of Russian Video Art - Volume 1". MMOMA, Moscow

2004 - "Moscow - Berlin." State History Museum. Moscow.

2003 - "Berlin - Moscow." Martin - Gropius - Bau, Berlin.

2001 - "Anteprima Bovisa - Milano Europa 2000". Palazzo della Triennale. Milan.

- "Crossing Over 6" Microfestival of small digital videos. Liverpool.

2000 - "L'autre moitié de l'Europe." Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume. Paris.

1995 - "No Man's Land." Contemporary Art Centre "Nikolaj", Copenhagen,Denmark.

1993 - "Identity - Selfhood" at the "Atheneum", Musuem of contemporary art. Helsinki, Finland.

1992 - "Heat & Conduct." Arnolfini Gallery. Bristol. Gr. Britain.

Selected bibliography:

"History of Russian Video art" Antonio Geusa. 2010.

"Parachute" #124. Autumn 2006. Kinga Araya: "Translating Violence into Exilic Cultural Performance."

"Moscow art magazine." 2005. Yuri Leiderman: "The Calm Quantification of Non-Existent Objects".

"Art in Europe 1990-2000." Skira editore, Milan. 2002.

"Fresh Cream". Phaidon press. 2000.

"Штудии" Гии Ригвавы. Prostory..2017 -

- https://prostory.net.ua/ua/mlp/mystetstvo/181-ryhvava

Notable fellowships:

Visiting scholar in the University of California SanDiego. 1994.

Grant of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation of the Dresdner Bank. 1995.

Soros Foundation Grant. 1996.